Thursday, October 2, 2008


Update:  The doctor has come in and checked on us.  He is going to let Kaylane continue on for a little while without inducing since she is coming along naturally, but it is not entirely out of the question depending on how fast she progresses.

If you've had a baby before, you know that there is a lot of sitting and waiting for something to happen.  So we're sitting here talking about baby names (since we really don't have one nailed down for sure).  Names we have discussed that absolutely will not be used:
  • Phelps
  • Bailout (we're watching the news)
  • McKaylane (and a McDonald's commercial came on)
  • Oktober
  • Mulva
  • Jameeka
  • Fatma (the name of the nurse that we got at the 7:00am schedule change)
  • Larlinda Sue-ella
  • Hildagard
  • Rutabaga
All beautiful names...but they lack that special somethin'-somethin'.

Will post more as this story develops.  


  1. RUTABAGA!!!!!!! Please oh please oh please!!!

    Youre in my prayers guys! Love you!!!

  2. Cousin Jameeka... Its got a ring to it!! hahahahaha!!!

  3. Hey, are y'all going to want visitors??????

  4. Fatma is a pretty awesome L&D nurse! A friend of mine I work with SWEARS she is the best nurse ever! (And she has 4 kids.)

  5. Hope everything goes well for you.

    Rutabaga! Is that a real name or did you make that one up?


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