Monday, September 22, 2008

Diapers and Wipes Shower

A HUGE "Thank You" goes out to one Mrs. Kyla Muns for all of her hard work in making our "Diapers and Wipes" baby shower a success this past weekend! We are very grateful that our close friends and family took time out of their busy schedules to bless and encourage us! We love you!!!
A very pregnant mommy.....37 weeks!
Proud Parents
Didn't Kyla do a fantastic job making the diaper cake???

Me with all of my hostesses!
Ella being silly

Ella and her buddies....Ava and Maggie (How cute are they??)


  1. Awww. You're too sweet. It was my pleasure to do that for you! I still can't believe you gave us such a nice 'thank you' gift. I think we should ALL go out to eat with the gift card and let someone else watch Ella and Ava! We can take the new baby with us. :)

  2. 1. I cannot believe that Kyla made that cake. She could be a professional cake maker...I mean I have seen lots of her cakes and they are all amazing, but that one is INCREDIBLE!

    2. I think the beginning of a new season (except summer) always reminds me of ACU and I have random moments of nostalgia. The other day when I was out walking I found myself completley lost in memories of when we lived in the blue house in Abilene. It was like the smell and the feeling of living there and my room and all of our fun memories came rushing back to me and I teared up thinking about it and how much has changed! Good change though.

    3. I am excited that you are about to have another little girl and can't wait to see what she looks like and hear what her name will be! I am thinking Canerlinya (an interesting combination of your college roomates names).

  3. Nice name suggestion Erin! I'm positive that all of our family members will LOVE it! :)

    I miss you too!!!!!!

  4. 2 more days! I bet you guys are so excited!!! I will have to say I'm a little jealous, I would love to have mine by the 2nd too!


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