Thursday, July 24, 2008

Baby Girl #2 Update

David and I just got back from our last "monthly" check-up and I thought I would post a quick update on Baby Girl #2.

Her heartbeat sounds perfect and as far as Dr. Rost can tell, she will probably be around the same weight as Ella (7 lb. 4oz.). Obviously he can't tell anything for sure, but she is measuring on schedule and doing perfect! My blood pressure continues to be low (which is a good thing!) and although I thought I had already surpassed my total weight gain with Ella, I have not. I'm up 11 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight but still have a couple months to my guess is that I will eventually surpass the 18 pounds I gained with Ella! :)

Anyway, we asked a ton of questions at this appointment regarding the delivery, the epidural, video cameras, swelling......and I still cannot believe that she will be here before we know it! I go back in 3 weeks (which will be my 32 week check up) and then I go every 2 weeks for the 34 and 36 week checks....and then every week after that until she is born!!!

And for those of you still wondering....we still do not have a name picked out! :)


  1. Glad all is going so well for you!!! I have way passed your 11 lbs!!! We had a ton of questions this week too, glad to know we're not the only ones!!!

  2. Im so glad everythign is going good! You are truly blessed. I cant wait to see your new bundle of joy!

  3. AnonymousJuly 25, 2008

    Yay for baby #2!!!!

    Did y'all change doctors?


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